Favorite Issaquah Press stories so far

Just doing some spring cleaning around the site, thought I'd post some of my favorite stories I've written the past few months while working at the Issaquah Press.

Issaquah Indians baseball team comes up short in state
This was pretty much your run-of-the-mill gamer, but the coach was pretty candid about the condition of the field they were playing on, which made for one of my favorite game stories I've ever written.

Lakeside Recovery pitcher Brandon Mahovlich gasses competition
I first saw Brandon Mahovlich pitch for Issaquah High, and he was two outs away from a no-hitter. He throws some serious gas and it was really interesting to get his take on what it was like to go from average pitcher to throwing 90 MPH in one off season.

Return of the freak show as Tim Lincecum makes pitching debut at Safeco Field
This was probably the most fun story to write so far, if only because of the free hot dogs associated with it. Tim was a great interview and it was cool to see a two-time Cy Young winner get excited to talk about KingCo playoffs.

Former Issaquah basketball star’s University of Washington Swagga looms large
A former Issaquah and current UW student started a company that makes glorified snuggies. If they made any Central ones, I'd be on board.

Isabella Gomez, fourth-grade snowboarder, shreds competition on slopes
If I was half as cool as this little girl when I was in fourth grade, I'd probably be really rich by now.

Well those are my favorites so far, if you want more, mosey on over to www.issaquahpress.com and you can read more thrilling summer community stories! *Sigh* I never thought I'd be so excited for high school football season.


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